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Apparel Store Grand Opening!
Apparel Store Grand Opening!
Introduction: Our community is proud to announce the official launch of our latest apparel store, and we couldn't be more thrilled to share it with our community! Brace yourselves for a cosmic journey as we introduce the "Minimal Moon...
2 minute read
Lunar Pass Season 2 - Frostbite!
Lunar Pass Season 2 - Frostbite!
To kick off this holiday season, we have officially released Lunar Pass Season 2 - Frostbite! Last season, we felt the rewards offered didn't properly reflect upon all the hard work you guys put in completing challenges. Thats why this season...
2 minute read
Faye joins the mcGalaxy Universe!
Faye joins the mcGalaxy Universe!
Exciting news! Our voting system is getting a refreshing makeover after sticking to the same routine for a while. Brace yourselves for some fantastic new perks and a few changes to keep things interesting. Key Voting Updates Now, each vote will...
1 minute read
Minecraft Java 1.20.2 - Coming Soon
Minecraft Java 1.20.2 - Coming Soon
With the official release of Minecraft Version 1.20.2 for Java, we can expect an update to our own server here at mcGalaxy in the future! As such, we thought it would be nice to highlight the changes in 1.20.2 which will directly effect gameplay...
4 minute read
Server Upgraded with Resource Pack!
Server Upgraded with Resource Pack!
We will be taking our Minecraft server to new heights of creativity and immersion! Starting today, our server will be implementing a custom resource pack that will expand our capabilities dramatically, offering you an even more enjoyable and...
2 minute read
Exciting Adventures Await in the mcGalaxy 1.20 Update: Unveiling New Biomes and Features!
Exciting Adventures Await in the mcGalaxy 1.20 Update: Unveiling New Biomes and Features!
The wait is over, crafters! We're thrilled to announce that the mcGalaxy server has officially upgraded to MC version 1.20.X, opening up a world of possibilities and experiences. With this latest update, players will be introduced to an array of...
4 minute read