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Welcome to the mcGalaxy Knowledge Base
Here, you may find countless articles filled with detailed knowledge about our community, discord, server, and their various features. If you have any questions, or find anything missing, please feel free to contact our staff team via Discord ticket!
What is mcGalaxy?
We are a unique public community server set in the expansive universe of space, centered around an enormous floating planet-city known as "Constellation City." Established to provide a rich and immersive gameplay experience, mcGalaxy features diverse elements such as exploration, resource gathering, trading, and various player options. Players can engage in the server's vibrant economy, which operates on two main currencies: "Dollars" for everyday transactions and the rare and valuable "Stardust" crystals. The server fosters a strong sense of community and offers regular events, updates, and a dedicated staff team to ensure an engaging and dynamic environment for all its members.

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